
Sunday, April 23, 2006

An Object Lesson for Would-Be Online Knitting Professionals

Here's why it's so hard to turn what you love into your work:

It has just come to my attention that the person who originally set up my KnittingGuru website mis-typed my email address in the Ask the Guru link. Therefore, some people who have been trying to send knitting questions to the KnittingGuru have not been able to if they tried to connect from that page. Of course, everywhere else on the site the address was correct, but that doesn't stop me from having a frustration fit! Why didn't I catch this error sooner?

If you or anyone you know has tried to send me a question, please know that I fixed the link this morning and that you can always reach me at I look forward to getting more knitting questions, and regret any that I may have missed.

Meantime, this week at KnittingGuru we are discussing Knitting Needle Materials: Pros & Cons -- Which Needles are Best for You? If you have any questions about knitting needles, or any other knitting questions, please send them to me.

Finally, I have put the Scarflettes on and also on and hope you will look at them. They make great little gifts for Mom on Mother's Day as well as nifty summer accessories for anyone who wants to add a little punch to their appearance.

I will soon have these Scarflettes made up into kits for knitters and have also finished preparing a knitting kit for the Hip Denim Blue Shrug.

Right now, I'm working on flowers for hair, wrist, & neckline. More on this soon.

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